Sheet Moss, 2.5 ounces
Sheet Moss, 2.5 ounces
1 Package of dried and preserved sheet moss. Packaged sheet moss, each package is 2.5 ounces in weight. The total square footage of your moss will vary based on the thickness. Some packages contain more coverage then others as the sheets are thinner.
This moss is ready to be added to your enclosure. Soak it in room temperature water for 30 minutes and place in your desired location. Will take 1-3 months to grow and secure it to the surface of your enclosure. This moss has been preserved to eliminate the risk of introducing other invertebrates and pests to your enclosure. The spores that remain will grow over time once soaked in water. Water regularly and please be patient.
Great to add in with your isopods and other invertebrates. Great for your isopods to hide in and eat. Great to use on the floor of your enclosure.